This is a list of games and activities that have been put together specifically for use with the Build-Your-Own-StoryBlox™ set of blocks. These can be used in addition to
the general activities.
If you have suggestions to add, please contact us and we will consider adding them to our list.
- Dump the blocks on the floor and have the student(s) gather around.
- Ask one student to pick out a block.
- Ask the student(s) to identify the letter or number on that block, then read each side to them. If they're old enough, ask them which words on each side start with the block's letter/number.
- As the teacher, pick one side of the block to start your story and lay the block, with that side facing out, separate from the other blocks.
- Have the next student pick out a block (or if you're working with one child, have that child pick out another block) - repeat the process until you have a whole story (long or short, depending on the time you want to spend on this activity).
- When the students are done picking out blocks, read the story to them.
- Keep a record of the story you created and try to create a new one next time.
Large Groups (over 12 students)
- Hand out one block to each student as a mini sentence structure exercise. Challenge each student to...
- Find the noun on the red side.
- Find the verb on the green side.
- Find the preposition on the purple side.
- Find the conjunction on the green side.
- Hand out one block to each student and build a story as a class...
- Pick someone to start the story and ask them what phrase they'd like to start with - you should be able to start a story with most phrases (except the conjunctions).
- Write down the first phrase on the blackboard, or just lay out the block with the right side facing out.
- Ask another student to add the next phrase, making sure that they pick something that makes sense and is grammatically correct.
- Go around the room until everyone has managed to use their block, you can either make one huge story, or a few smaller ones.
- Keep track of the stories you made and try to make different ones each time you play.
- Break the class down into smaller groups and use the exercises in the next section.
Small Groups (under 12 students)
- Hand out several blocks to each student as a mini sentence structure exercise. Challenge each to accomplish each or any of the following:
- Find the noun on the red side of each block.
- Find the verb on the green side of each block.
- Find the preposition on the purple side of each block.
- Find the conjunction on the green side of each block.
- Use as many blocks as possible to create a story that is grammatically correct.
- Hand out several blocks to each student -- challenge the student to build his or her own story...
- 3 blocks per child should be enough to build a one-sentence story, if you have more blocks, you can pass out more.
- Some of the blocks have phrases in the present tense, some have phrases in past-tense, the children will have an easier time finding stories that work if you group them by tense,
but they can usually make a story work with both by using one of the prepositional phrases or conjunctions as a 'bridge'.
- Some of the blocks have male characters in the noun phrase, and some have female, make sure the kids are aware of problems created when using a noun phrase like "Tammy the turtle" with a conjunction like
"until he understood".
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